What is the best HRMS (Human Resource Management System)?
To even begin to answer this question, we would have to play 20 questions. First, we first need to establish the foundation and the ground rules: what do you want to do with the HRMS? What computer and technical platform [DBMS, telecom, etc.] must it run on? Is payroll to be part of your HRMS? How sophisticated are your end users? How is your firm organized? 'Best' in what way? Cheap, fast, feature rich, scalable ... and so on. Each answer then leads to more questions. If properly asked (and subsequently answered), you can address the original query and perhaps find an answer to : ' What is the best HRMS?
(The above Q&A on HRMS was contributed by Vince R Ceriello, SPHR, of the VRC CONSULTING GROUP. His website can be accessed at www.VRCconsulting.com)
See Also: What Is HRMS (Human Resource Management System) and what is its relationship to HR planning?