Some Managerial and Business Oriented Book Suggestions
Over the years I've had the occasion to read many books on a number of job, workplace and management topics. If you're like me, you find it difficult to choose the right book on your topic of interest, since it's a challenge to wade through the more mediocre books, and to unearth the nuggets of gold.
To help you choose, I've pulled together some information on books that I feel are worthwhile or best in class. That doesn't necessarily mean books listed here are the "best", but that they are either of high quality, or have some unique features or approach a topic with a particularly interested slant. Of course, I also hope you browse the books I've written, too by clicking here. We've also provided links to amazon.com where you can purchase these featured books at a discount.
Book Topic Descriptions
Performance Management & Appraisal Books:Books pertaining to improving employee performance through goal-setting, evaluations, feedback, including 360 degree feedback. Section contains many how-to books and collections of forms. Customer Service & Customer Satisfaction Books:These days most businesses and organizations depend on winning and keeping customers, and that means providing excellent customer service and creating customer satisfaction. We include a selection of some of the top books or more interesting books to help you and your organization survive. Leadership Books:Leadership - hard to define, hard to do. These books are classics in the field of leadership, leadership training. Teams & Team-Building:We've included several books containing team building activities, and several interesting books on virtual teams and team-based compensation. Consulting & Organization Development Books:We've collected a few of the classics on consulting and organization development by authors and experts considered essential if you are in the consulting or organization development field. We've also included several books on the business of consulting - essential reads for those interested in the business side. Several of the books are appropriate for customers and clients of consultants. Become an educated consumer. Workplace Diversity, Multiculturalism and Gender Books:Books about creating and winning by capitalizing on workplace diversity in teams and other contexts. An important issue these days. |
Conflict & Negotiation Books:Books about conflict management, conflict resolution, alternate dispute resolution (ADR), and perhaps most interestingly how to protect yourself from verbally abusive and nasty people. Total Quality Management (TQM) Books:While some say it's a dead fad, this topic is still important. We've listed some of the most important books in the field by the classic experts - Deming, Juran, and Crosby. Every business person or manager can learn from these. Change Management Books:So many people are talking about how we live in a world of constant change. We've identified some of the best books on the dynamics of change, how to survive it, and how to help others survive change in the workplace. Activities & Games for Facilitators, Trainers and Group Leaders:A most comment request on the internet is where to find learning activities, games or other training activities. We've identified some of the best sources of icebreakers, team building activities and more. Motivating Staff & Employee Motivation Books:For managers, supervisors, and human resource professionals, motivating staff, and employee motivation are important issues. We've collected some valuable resources on the subject. Human Resources - Hiring & Interviewing Books:Hiring the best people, finding the best people is always a challenge for both managers and those in human resources. We have selected several books on the subject, focusing on selection, hiring law and interviewing skills. |